The High Holy Days are coming soon, beginning the new year 5785.

Please visit our Holidays webpage for the High Holy Days schedule, and for information and links for our services, special programming, and adult education. Click here.

Preparation for the High Holy Days during Elul: Classes with Rabbi Satz

During the Month of Elul, when we prepare for the High Holy Days, Rabbi Satz is teaching a two-part class, “Praying with Intention”.  Thursdays, September 5 and 12 at 7-8:30pm.  In-person, but Zoom is available here.  Please register here.

Preparing for the High Holy Days: Talk by the Founder of the Mussar Institute

During the Month of Elul, when we prepare for the High Holy Days, nearly one year since the Hamas attacks on Israel, we welcome Dr. Alan Morinis, book author and founder of the Mussar Institute. Join us Wednesday, September 25 at 7pm for his talk, “Why Be Ethical in an Unethical World?” Please register here.

Leil S’lichot: Instilling Resiliency

Come learn with the clergy of TBO and MJCBY. Includes a musical service led by our Cantors with S’lichot prayers for forgiveness, as we prepare spiritually for the High Holy Days.  Saturday, September 28 at 8pm at TBO. Please register here.

Torah Explorers Rosh Hashanah and Torah Explorers Yom Kippur

Families with children under age 5 are invited to join our special Torah Explorers to celebrate the High Holy Days. October 2 and October 11 from 5:00 to 5:45pm.  Fun holiday activity, story, and age-appropriate prayers to introduce your littles to the High Holy Days. Registration required here.

Annual High Holy Day Food Drive for 5785

TBO’s Social Action Committee is once again chairing its annual High Holy Day Food Drive to bring nutritious foods to the clients of the InterFaith Food Pantry of Morris County. Please fill your own paper bags and bring them to Yom Kippur services or to the office before Sukkot.

Celebrate Simchat Torah 

We gather to celebrate Erev Simchat Torah while we envision freedom for our hostages and peace in Israel.  Wednesday, October 23 at 7pm. Join us for a lovely evening as we unroll the Torah, chant to the end, and begin again with B’reshit. Hokafot, dancing and noshing.  Register here.



Bagels & Torah with Rabbi Satz: The Book of Job

Rabbi Satz presents his new season of Bagels & Torah with “The Book of Job: Punishment, Pain, and Pathos.” Join Rabbi every Shabbat morning from 9-10 am, in-person or Zoom.

Torah Explorers B’Yachad – Together

All families with children up to age seven are welcome to learn, play, and grow together!  New and improved Torah Explorers!  This year we are exploring the world of Jewish Values.  Join Esther and Sneh the third Friday of every month at 5:00 pm.  Stay for a light Shabbat Dinner b’yachad (together).  Registration required, click here.

Shabbat Mishpacha B’Yachad, featuring Ketzev

Join TBO for a fun and lively Musical Shabbat for the entire family, led by KETZEV, our Children’s Choir!  Typically the 1st Shabbat of each month.  

Celebrate Shabbat and treat your mind, body, and spirit to a Contemplative Hike with the Cantor

Clear your head and reinvigorate your body with your TBO friends. Join the Cantor’s hike in the beautiful forest of Jockey Hollow.  Stay tuned for our Fall 2024 dates! RSVP to Sherri here.

Israeli Dance Classes on Thursday evenings throughout the year at TBO

Fun, friendships, culture, and exercise – what could be better on a Thursday evening?  Thursdays from 7 to 8:30 pm at TBO.  $12 per class or $40 for 4 classes.  Instructor Reut Segall always welcomes new dance students.  Register here.



Meet, Greet, and Eat!

TBO invites all new, existing, and prospective members to our Meet, Greet, and Eat!  Friday, September 6 at 5:30 pm.  Dinner, live music, activities for kids, and a  temple tour for prospective members. Please register here. Join the fun of volunteering here.

Summer Shabbat Dinners outside in the TBO Courtyard

Following our Erev Shabbat Services on Friday nights throughout the summer, please join us for our Summer Shabbat Dinners. Check out weekly Chai-Lights for each week’s theme or menu. Please register here each week so that we prepare enough food for you.

“Legend of Destruction” Film Screening for Tisha B’Av

As part of our observance of Tisha B’Av, we are proud to screen a film winning 4 Israeli Academy Awards, “Legend of Destruction”, on Monday, August 12 at 7pm. Lively discussion following the film.  Register here.

Diversity Day at Morristown Green

Join TBO at Diversity Day on the Morristown Green on Sunday, July 21 from 12 – 5pm. TBO will have a display table and welcomes volunteers represent our warm and open kehillah. Interfaith worship service, followed by a free festival of multicultural music, ethnic foods, and universal fun.

Project Readiness School Backpack Drive

Once again, this year, Temple B’nai Or is supporting the efforts of Project Readiness to provide needed school supplies to children who receive services at the local food pantry and social service agency Nourish NJ.  Please visit our Signup Genius for donation details. Please drop off all items at TBO by July 17.  Thank you for your support!

Installation Shabbat – Welcoming our new Board of Trustees

TBO has unanimously elected its new Board of Trustees, who will be installed during Erev Shabbat T’fillah this Friday night, June 21 at 7:00pm. Everyone is invited to participate and to enjoy a Special Oneg afterwards. Please register here.

Confirmation Ceremony, Shavuot and Yizkor Services, and Brunch

Please join us on Wednesday, June 12 at 10:30 am in the sanctuary for our Confirmation ceremony followed by a lovely Shavuot and Yizkor prayer service.  Brunch to follow.  Please register here.

Communal Shavuot Celebration

Temple B’nai Or is hosting our community friends at MJCBY and Congregation Beth Hatikvah for a Tikkun Leil Shavuot. Tuesday, June 11 from 7:30 to 10:30 pm. Singing an prayer service, breakout learning sessions, and plenty of cheesecake!  Please register here.

Annual Congregational Meeting

Join your kehillah of Temple B’nai Or for its 2024 Annual Congregational Meeting in-person on Thursday, May 30 at 7:00pm. This is your annual opportunity to elect new members to the Board of Trustees, to vote on approval of the Board, to learn about the adopted budget for the fiscal year 2024-2025, and to discuss with fellow members the state of our congregation and its future.  Please register here.

Art Show with Reception for artist Alix Aideman

The Linda Grandis Blatt Gallery at Temple B’nai Or presents its Spring Art Show: Alix Aidekman.  Art Show and reception on Sunday, May 19 at 3-5pm.  Please RSVP here.

“The Hope in Harmony” – A Cantors Concert – for Yom HaZikaron & Yom Ha’Atzmaut

Temple B’nai Or presents A Cantors Concert: Am Yisrael Chai “The Hope in Harmony.” Join Cantor Galit and some of the finest cantors from around the country for a musical journey exploring the music of Israel. Tuesday, May 14 at 7:00 pm. Reception to follow. Tickets and sponsorships will support TBO’s Shira Music Fund. Please register for the Friend-level here, for the Supporter-level here, and for the Patron-level here.

Yom HaShoah – Remembering the Holocaust

Please join your Temple B’ai Or kehillah on Monday, May 6 at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary to remember the Shoah. Now, more than ever, we must look deeply at the Holocaust and act upon the words, “Never Again”.

Yizkor – Remember your Loved Ones

In Judaism, we observe Yizkor four times each year. This is an occasion to remember our departed loved ones. During Pesach, our Yizkor service will be held on Monday, April 29 at 10am in the sanctuary. Please join us.

TBO Sisterhood Women’s Seder

Join the women of TBO for a pre-Passover seder!  Sunday, April 14 at 5:30 pm. Celebrate with us over dinner, music, dancing, and the reading of the Haggadah. Please RSVP by April 1 by emailing here.

Support Israel and TBO through our Pesach Wine Sale

As TBO continues to support Israel during its time of need, we offer a delicious selection of Israeli wines. All are kosher and kosher for Passover. Sale is co-sponsored by the Men’s Club. See a description of our wines here. Order your wines here.

Sinai & Synapses Capstone Event: Scholar-In-Residence Weekend

Dr. Heidi M. Ravven, Professor of Religious Studies at Hamilton College joins TBO for a Scholar-In-Residence Weekend. Friday, April 5 through Saturday, April 6, beginning with Erev Shabbat services. Exploring the question “What Is A Human In Light of Modern Brain Science?”  Please visit this page to see the schedule and how to register.

TBO Sisterhood Painting Night with Brush Crush

Join your Sisterhood for wine, snacks, and painting instructed by Brush Crush on Wednesday, March 27 at 7:00pm in the TBO Social Hall. $40 per person. Register by email here.

“We Will Dance Again” Purim Dance Party

Let’s celebrate the Jewish survival over evil with a festive Purim Dance Party on Saturday, March 23 at 8pm.  Live DJ. Costumes, drinks, desserts, and dancing. Adults only. TBO members RSVP here. Guests of TBO register here.

Girl Scout Shabbat at TBO

TBO invites Girl Scouts of ALL Faiths to join us for Shabbat Services. Friday, March 22. Welcome and Introduction with Cantor Galit at 6:15pm. Services to follow. Experience a Shabbat service and learn about the holiday of Purim. Enjoy Hamantaschen cookies and other desserts. In-Person or on Zoom. Register here.

A Shabbat Retreat for the Soul

Please join us for a special Shabbat experience of guided meditation, movement, and teachings from Parashat Vayakhel with Cantor Lizzie Shammash. Saturday, March 9 from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm. Lunch from Liv Breads. Minimum donation is $36. Please register here.

Book Talk with Michelle Cameron on “Babylon: A Novel of Jewish Captivity”

Join us for an Israeli Lunch followed by a discussion with Michelle Cameron about her historical novel, “Babylon: A Novel of Jewish Captivity.” Sunday, March 10 at 11:30 am. $18 for Lunch & Discussion purchase here. $37 for Lunch, Discussion and a signed copy of the Book purchase here.

Shabbat Shelanu “Our Shabbat” – a Musical Kid+Family Shabbat Service

For 2nd to 5th grade students and their whole families (parents & grandparents too!). Saturday, February 24 at 10:30 am. Led by Rabbi and Esther. A musical Shabbat service, stories from the week’s Parashah, refreshments, activities, and fun. Register here.

Scientists in Synagogues lecture series “What is a Human?”

Learn with us as we explore what Jewish wisdom and modern science have to say about being human. From the Torah to the cell to our potential techno future, we will ask the big questions.  Classes at TBO and on Zoom.  Remaining classes for 2024: February 8 & 22.  Register for lectures here.  Free and open to the community.

Knead & Kibbitz – Challah Bake for Israel

Join TBO’s Israel Engagement Committee, Social Action Committee, and Sisterhood on Wednesday, February 7 at 7pm to make delicious challah and raise money for Israel. List of ingredient/supplies upon registration. Adults $36 register here.  Teens $18 register here.

Centennial Shabbat at TBO – Our Light is Stronger Together

As part of the 100 Year Centennial celebration of our Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest, TBO is hosting a special Centennial Shabbat on Friday, February 2 from 5:30 – 9:00 pm. A light-filled celebration of community and the power we have to bring light into the world. Bring your own Shabbat Candle set and you can also make your own. Community candle lighting, finger-food dinner, and Shabbat T’fillah led by Ketzev. Register here.

Two Nova Festival Survivors tell their story at TBO

“We Will Dance Again”: Sunday, January 28 at 7pm at TBO. Eden Shmuel and Shira Cohen will tell their stories and share their hope. Over 18 only. Register here.

Shabbat Shelanu (“Our Shabbat”) – a Musical Kid + Family Shabbat Morning Service

All 2nd – 5th Graders and their Parents, Grandparents, and Siblings are invited to a series of Saturday morning Musical Shabbat Services led by Rabbi and Esther. The first is Saturday, January 27 at 10:30 am. Music, prayer, and great stories from the week’s Torah portion. Refreshments. Free and open to all local families. Register here.

Shabbat Shira – Together as One in Song – Empowering the Woman’s Voice

Designed by Cantor Galit, this annual, musical Shabbat led by the voices of women returns on Friday, January 26 at 7:00 pm.  This year promises to be an especially beautiful and moving event. Register here.

Youth Mental Healthcare Training

TBO’s teachers, parents, and anyone working with kids is invited to this All-Day Training on Sunday, January 21 from 12 noon to 7pm.  A light lunch will be served at 11:30 am. You must stay for the full day to be certified. No fee, as TBO recognizes the importance of spotting youth mental healthcare struggles as early as possible! Register here.

Reflect and Re-Connect – Listen and Share Your Feelings about Israel

We return to our discussion led by Cantor Galit Dadoun-Cohen on Sunday, January 7 from 7-9pm.  Come together again to Reflect and Re-Connect about the Israel vs. Hamas War and about the growing tide of Antisemitism.  Light refreshments will be served. Register here.

Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism on College Campuses

Learn about the pressures on campuses and how our kids can cope on Monday, December 18 from 7-8pm. In-person or Zoom. Hear from a panel of current college students from our TBO kehillah, moderated by member Emily Wolper. Hear from guest speaker Nancy Bossov of Rutgers Hillel. Register here.

Hanukkah Candle Lighting on the Morristown Green

Let’s bring our Spiritual Light into the darkness with a communal Hanukkiah Lighting on Wednesday, December 13 from 5-6pm.  Joined by the congregation of MJCBY and open to the public.  Music, treats, and more.

The “Z-Word”: The History and Ideas of Zionism

Rabbi Michael Satz will teach this 2-part class on Thursday, December 7 and Tuesday, December 12 at 7:00pm, In-Person and via Zoom.  Especially since the Hamas attack on October 7, a firm understanding of Zionism is vital for all Jews and their allies to have.  Register here.

Hanukkah Shabbat B’Yachad

We all come together to celebrate Hanukkah and Shabbat on Friday, December 8.  Dinner, edible crafts, community menorah lighting, and a wonderful Shabbat service led by our Ketzev children’s choir and the K-3’s.  A celebration for the entire family!  5:30pm is dinner for Ketzev & K-3. 6:00pm is dinner for everyone else.  Register here

Reflect and Connect – Listen and Share Your Feelings about Israel

Led by Cantor Galit Dadoun-Cohen on Sunday, December 3 from 7-9pm.  Come together to Reflect and Connect about the Israel vs. Hamas War and about the growing tide of Antisemitism.  Light refreshments will be served. Register here.

You Cannot See From Afar: An Inside Look at the Conflict with Israeli Journalist and Rabbinical Student, Ofer Chizik

On Tuesday, November 28 at 6:00 pm, you can join our Group Zoom in the Beit Midrash or Zoom from your own home.  Rabbi Satz will be in conversation with Ofer Chizik.  Register here.

Bleeding Control Training with the Morris County Office of Emergency Management

Join your fellow TBO members and get this crucial 4-hour training in Bleeding Control.  You can save a life!  Sunday, November 5 at 12:30 – 4:30 pm.  Open to 40 participants.  Register here.

Sisterhood’s Annual Paid-Up Dinner & Trivia Night

Sisterhood is planning a fun-filled night on Sunday, October 22 at 6pm.  Free you have paid your $36 annual Sisterhood dues.  Please RSVP here.

“In the Hands of Women” Book Launch and Author Signing by TBO member Jane Loeb Rubin

TBO and Scientists in Synagogues present a panel discussion with author and TBO member Jane Loeb Rubin.  Monday, October 16 at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.  RSVP and pre-purchase a book to be signed at the event here.

“Meet the Artist” – Joyce Levy – Wine & Cheese Reception at the Linda Grandis Blatt Art Gallery at Temple B’nai Or

Join artist and longtime TBO member Joyce Levy and family to view her new exhibition “Life In Color”.  Sunday, October 8 from 3 – 5 pm.  Feel the power of color to stir emotions as you view her works in acrylic paint, oils, charcoal, pencil and alcohol ink.  Artwork available for purchase.

Erev Simchat Torah Celebration!

Join us for a lively evening as we unroll the Torah, chant the end, and then begin again with B’reshit.  Hakafot Dancing and Noshing.  Woven into our Erev Shabbat service.  Friday, October 6 at 7:00 pm.  Free and open to the community. 

Big Sukkah Celebration – Join us for a fun Family Event!

Friday, September 29 from 5-7pm.  Make decorations for our Sukkah, shake the Lulav and Etrog, and eat delicious treats with our Religious and Preschool Directors, followed by a family-friendly Erev Sukkot & Erev Shabbat service in the sanctuary.  Event is free and open to the community.

High Holy Day Services in the sanctuary of Temple B’nai Or.

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur information can be found here.

Meet, Greet, and Eat

All new, existing, and prospective members are invited to our “Meet, Greet, and Eat” on Friday, September 8 at 5:30 pm.  Dinner, live music, activities for the kids.  Our warm Kabbalat Shabbat Service followed by dessert.  At 5pm, tours of the temple for prospective members.  Meet our new Director of Education. Join us for this fun-filled Shabbat. Click here.

Krav Maga Training at TBO

Krav Maga is an Israeli martial art developed for the Israeli Defense Forces.  Join the highly decorated Essex County Sheriff Detective, Dean Galliccio, as he instructs our community in Krav Maga.  Wednesday, August 16 from 7-8:30 pm.  $20 per person.  TBO’s Safety & Security Committee strongly recommends that all adult members of our kehillah take advantage of this training opportunity.  Register here.

Pride Shabbat and Installation of the Board of Trustees

Join us on Friday, June 23 at 7pm for a special Pride Shabbat and our Installation ceremony of our wonderful 2023-2024 Board of Trustees.  Oneg to follow.  

Shabbat Concert with composer, musician, and recording artist Noah Aronson

In honor of their son Noah’s Bar Mitzvah on 3 June, Jodi and Ori Yissachar are sponsoring the beloved Jewish artist Noah Aronson to join our own Cantor Galit Dadoun Cohen for a very special musical Shabbat service on Friday, June 2 at 7:00 pm.  

Confirmation, Shavuot, and Yizkor Service

Join us on Friday, May 26 at 10:00 AM in the sanctuary as we celebrate Shavuot (the spring harvest and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai) with a our Confirmation ceremony and Yizkor service — commemorating both our young learners and our lost loved ones.  Brunch to follow.  You are also welcome to join us on Zoom.

Torah Explorers – journey with us on Erev Shabbat for enriching Activities, T’Filah, and Song!

Perfect for all children up to age seven and their grownups. Friday, May 19 at 5:30 PM. This month’s theme is Jerusalem/Yerushalayim and we will celebrate the holiday of Shavuot. Free and open to the public. Stay afterwards for Pizza and Kabbalat Shabbat at 7pm. Register here.

Contemplative Shabbat Hike with Cantor Galit

Enjoy the grasses, trees, and flowers blossoming with a spring hike in Morristown’s Jockey Hollow woods.  The final hike before a summer break.  Saturday, May 13 at 1:30 pm. Energize your body and soul with Cantor Galit and your TBO Friends!  RSVP to Sherri.

A Tribute to David Iskovitz on his Retirement

Join TBO for a special Musical Shabbat Evening Service honoring the legendary David Iskovitz on his retirement after 27 years.  Friday, May 5 at 5:30 pm.  Dinner and Dessert Reception and a memorable Shabbat service in our sanctuary.  Please register here.

Shabbat Tekumah in honor of Israel @ 75

Friday, April 21 at 7:00 pm will be a special Erev Shabbat T’filah service honoring Israel’s 75 years of Independence.  We stand in solidarity to celebrate the birth of our democratic Jewish homeland – with prayer, stories, and song!

A Talk with Gary Aidekman on the JDC’s Work to Save Lives and Strengthen Jewish Community

TBO’s Renaissance presents: Sunday, April 16 at 12:30 pm (with brunch). Longtime TBO member Gary Aidekman will discuss the work of the Joint Distribution Committee for the world’s refugees, especially now along the Polish and Moldavian borders of Ukraine. $20 members/$25 guests. Register here.

“Reflections Upon Interfaith Upbringing” – Shabbat Honoring Interfaith Families

Listen to young adult members in our community as they reflect upon what it meant to grow up in interfaith households and how their upbringings shaped their Jewish identities.  Friday, April 14 at 7:00 pm.  Oneg to follow.  

“How to Pray” – a Shabbat Learning Service

Perfect for 6th grade families preparing for B’nai Mitzvah.  Perfect for anyone who wishes to better understand Shacharit, the Shabbat Morning Service. Saturdays at 10:30 am at TBO.  Remaining class: April 15.  Free and open to the public.  Register here.  

“Easter Eggs and Matzo Balls” – Navigating Easter and Passover

Many interfaith families in our community find the spring holidays of Passover and Easter a challenge to juggle. If this sounds like you, join this group discussion with Rabbi Satz on Sunday, March 26 at 9:30-11:00 am.  Open to the public.  Register here.

TBO’s Coffee House

A grownup evening of music, comedy, and a culinary competition.  Saturday, March 18 from 7-10:30 pm.   Purchase tickets for The TBO Coffee House here.  If you’re a singer, musician, comedian, or other performer who would like to be part of this exciting line-up, contact Lori Weintraub.  If you’re a cook and would like to compete in the cooking/baking challenge, contact Terri Gordon.

NJ Cantors Concert Ensemble – Celebrates Israel at 75

Start your celebration of Israel’s 75th birthday by joining Temple B’nai Or and Congregation B’nai Israel in welcoming the NJ Cantors Concert Ensemble to perform on Sunday, March 12 at 4:00 pm at TBO.  With appearances by Kolot Or and Ketzev, TBO’s adult and children’s choirs.  Tickets are $18.  Purchase here.

Contemplative Shabbat Hike with Cantor Galit

Enjoy the beautiful blue and brown hues of a late winter hike in Morristown’s Jockey Hollow woods.  Saturday, March 11 at 1:30 pm. Energize your body and soul with Cantor Galit and your TBO Friends!  RSVP to Sherri.

Purim Spiel, Megillah Reading and Party!

Back by popular request is “Mamma Mia Megillah,” TBO’s Purim Spiel.  Only this time, it’s Live!  Disco down to watch the show, to hear selected verses read from Megillah Esther, and to Drink Wine and Party with us!  Monday, March 6, at 7:00 pm.  Free and open to the public.  Craft your Costume and grab your grogger!  

Reading Martin Buber – a 3-Part Class with Rabbi Michael Satz

A discussion of some seminal works by the Philosopher of Dialogue, Martin Buber.  March 2, 9, and 23 at 7:30 pm.  In-person and Zoom.  Register here.  

Ezekiel’s Wheel Klezmer Band – Concert at TBO

This internationally-acclaimed Klezmer Band is coming to Temple B’nai Or for a special President’s Day afternoon concert.  Sunday, February 19 at 1:00 PM.  Playing with the intimacy of chamber music and the intensity of a rowdy dance band!  Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at the door.  Kids under bar/bat mitzvah age are free.  Purchase tickets here.  

Climate Activism Series – Training Teens at TBO!

Sunday, February 12 at 1pm at TBO.  Join the Jewish Youth Climate Movement in this afternoon of teach-ins covering Climate Science, Climate Policy, Environmental Justice, Organizing for Collective Action, Facilitation, Action Planning and more!  Join teens from all over Northern Jew Jersey and (via Zoom) from across the nation!  Pizza and snacks will be served.  Free and open to the public.  Register here

Shabbat Shira – Empowering the Woman’s Voice

Come this Shabbat for our beloved and important TBO program.  Erev Shabbat, Friday, February 3 at 7pm.  There never has been a more important time to listen carefully and empower the woman’s voice!  Free and open to the public.  Register here.

“The Wisdom of Life Unfolding” – a Shabbat Retreat for the Soul

Join us for a special Shabbat experience of guided meditation, movement, and teachings from Parashat Shmot with Cantors Lizzie Shammash and Galit Dadoun Cohen.  Includes lunch and a contemplative hike in Jockey Hallow.  Saturday, January 14 at 10:30 AM.  Temple B’nai Or.  $18 fee.  

TBO’s Annual Celebration of Sisterhood Dinner

Join us in the social hall for food, fun, and laughter.  Dinner and Comedy Show.  Sunday, December 4 at 5-8 pm.  

TBO celebrates Selichot with MJCBY.  Israeli Indie filmmaker Hanan Harchol’s “Jewish Food for Thought: The Animated Series” will be screened & discussed, along with Havdalah and Selichot services, and dessert.  Join us!

Saturday, September 17 at 7:30 pm at TBO.  Open to TBO and MJCBY members and to the public..  RSVP here.

“A Time to Mourn” – Rabbi Michael Satz leads this High Holy Days teaching for the Month of Elul, to help us prepare for the Days of Awe

Thursdays, September 1, 8, and 15 at 7:30 pm.  In-person and via Zoom.  TBO members are free, $35 for non-members.  RSVP here.

Foundations of Jewish Family Living – the Melton School

Learn with Rabbi Michael Satz, Cantor Galit Dadoun-Cohen, and Education Director David Iskovitz.  One Sunday morning each month, October through April – 9:45 to 11 am.  More information here.

Board Installation Ceremony during Shabbat Services, followed by a Congregational Shabbat Dinner

Friday, June 24 at 6:00 pm.  Summer Shabbat “Season Opener”.  Everyone is invited.  RSVP here.

50-Year Anniversary of TBO’s Home on Overlook Road

Celebrate 50 Years in our building and honor the Founding and Multi-Generational Families at TBO! Friday, June 3 at 6:30 pm. Mezuzah dedication, Erev Shabbat services, and a festive Oneg. Click to register.

Community-Wide Tikkun Leil Shavuot

Saturday night, June 4, beginning at 8:15 pm. Join us for a night of togetherness, study, discussion, and dance! In-person at the MJCBY. Free and open to the local Jewish community. Click to register

Sisterhood Invites You to a Wine & Chocolate Tasting

Wednesday, May 25 at 7:30 PM in the TBO Courtyard.

Gala & Concert with Cantor Galit Dadoun Cohen. Honoring Twelve Years of Service at Temple B’nai Or.

Saturday Night, May 7 at 6pm. Yerushati. My Inheritance. Buy a Ticket. Be a Sponsor. Make a Donation. Send a Tribute. CLICK HERE.

Spiritual Mini-Retreat. Spring Renewal for the Soul with Cantor Galit Dadoun-Cohen and guest Cantor Lizzie Shammash.

Shabbat, Saturday April 9. Join us for a Taste of Gan Eden. A Shabbat of compassionate attention to our body and mind. A forest hike followed by an exploration of gentle yoga, guided meditation, Torah, and chanting. Free of charge. Click to register.

Purim Megillah Reading and Comedy Night!

Wednesday, March 16 at 7pm at Temple. Join us (in your costumes) to hear The Book of Esther, to shake your groggers, and then to laugh with TBO member & stand-up comedian Andrea Glaser and friends! Compete in the Rabbi’s Joke Contest! Click to register.

Perfect for all children up to age seven and their grownups. Friday, February 18 at 5:30 PM. This month’s theme is Ahavah v’Chesed / Love and Acts of Loving Kindness. Free and open to the public. Stay afterwards for Kabbalat Shabbat. In-person unless we need to go virtual. Click to register.

Book Talk! “We Refuse To Be Enemies” co-authors Sabeeha Rehman and Walter Ruby will join us via Zoom.

Sunday, January 23 at 1:00 pm. “We Refuse To Be Enemies, How Muslims and Jews Can Make Peace, One Friendship at a Time”. Register here for Zoom & Breakout Discussions. Free and open to the public.