Men’s Club

mens club basementOur Men’s Club has a simple mission: to be a fun, relevant, and compelling forum where men with different interests, skills, and levels of spirituality can meet, socialize, work, and learn in brotherhood. Whether it’s sports, humor, food, debates, Torah, networking, social action, or kibitzing, Men’s Club offers the opportunity to get involved.

Some of our most popular activities include Zoom Beer Tasting, Softball, Monday Night football, “Gastronomic” Nights Out, Bowling, Gourmet Breakfasts, Mother’s Day Brunch, Super Bowl Party, Temple projects, and MORE.

We are always looking for new members who want to get involved to support an activity or just to attend. Bring your ideas, energy, and enthusiasm. You’ll get much more than you give.


More Men’s Club events are being planned.  Stay tuned for the upcoming Spring & Summer 2023 Events!

If you are interested in receiving e-mail notification of Men’s Club events, please email:  Or you can email DAve Anolick or email Bob Goldstein or any member of Men’s Club.

As we enter the A-League after our championship win last  summer, our
is looking for a few good softball players.

The Competitive Temple Softball League plays on Sunday mornings at 9-11 AM.
Mid-April to July.
Player fee is $50, plus you must join the Men’s Club.

If interested, email Eric Axler or Bill Schlosser.