Charity of the Week
Please donate to TBO’s effort to help our larger community by donating to this chosen pandemic relief charity of the week. No donation is too small. Thanks for your generosity!
Our very own Tanya Simon has been busy during the pandemic helping others. Please click here to read a blog that Tanya wrote that was featured on the Jewish Federation website.
Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest
Help support the work the Federation is doing in our communities to help those in need. UJF has continued remote programming to minimize isolation and provide engaging activities to enhance mental health and well being.
Your financial support allows UJF to meet the evolving needs of our community that will arise throughout this period of physical distancing and isolation.
Here’s what we have heard are our community’s top needs right now:
• Address the exponentially higher need for groceries and food, including kosher goods for the elderly, people in financial distress, and those who are physically isolated
• Help ensure those currently receiving or in need of mental health counseling can access a licensed counselor
Provide financial support to allow for continuous coverage of home care workers in Jewish homes of older adults who require extra assistance in staying safe
Please consider making a donation to Family Promise, helping our neighbors. Click here to make a donation.