Social Action

The Jewish Commandment of “Tikkun Olam” means “healing the world.”  Temple B’nai Or has a long history of being committed to Social Action, as well as the performance of the mitzvot of Tikkun Olam aimed at helping each other, our neighbors and the world around us.  The Social Action Committee at Temple B’nai Or has many opportunities for people of all ages to engage in meaningful activities and programs designed to help those in need and to achieve social justice.   Some examples of our social action activities include:

  • raising awareness of Antisemitism and Anti-Israel hatred in the USA and in our local community
  • collecting non-perishable food for the Morris County Interfaith Food Pantry during the High Holy Days and throughout the year
  • boxing and delivering food with the JRA on a monthly basis
  • collecting tzedakah to support local charities doing work to help people most impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic
  • collecting toiletries and cleaning supplies for the Jersey Battered Women’s Shelter, and diapers and newborn products for low income moms 
  • gleaning crops to supply local food banks with Grow a Row
  • attending Women’s Rights Marches in Washington, DC and locally
  • attending local Immigration Rights events
  • attending marches for sensible gun rights legislation
  • participating in annual town wide clean up of outdoor areas
  • hosting a Blood Drive for the Community
  • collecting coats for Annual Jersey Cares Coat Drive
  • volunteering to support Family Promise of Morris County to house the homeless
  • making and serving meals on a monthly basis for the Morristown Soup Kitchen
  • raising awareness about and money to address crises around the world

Raise awarenessWe hope you will join us as we endeavor to make our community and the world better.  Please consider volunteering to participate in a mitzvah project.  Or, if you have an idea for a mitzvah project, please let us know and we will help you make it happen.
For more information, please contact Tanya Simon, (973) 879-4464, or Judith Stein-Loewenthal, (917) 225-9507,