Host Our Rishona We are still looking or a home for our very own TBO Rishona. If you are interested in taking part of this incredible program, let us know.
Renaissance Luncheon
Renaissance Luncheon, Sunday, February 16, 2:00 PM Renaissance is joining a new restaurant, and is inviting you! Join them at Marjan Persian Grill in Morristown. Starting with popular appetizers, a choice of entrees, followed by dessert; beverages included. $30 per person, includes tips. RSVP by February 14 to Mitzi Szerlip at 973-839-1939.
Camp Info Session for Parents
Camp Info Session for Parents, Sunday, February 23, 9:00 AM Considering sleep-away camp but not sure you or your child are ready? Join us for a conversation on camp. Coffee and bagels will be served. For more information, click here. Questions? Contact David Iskovitz.
Shabbat Across America
Shabbat Across America, Friday, February 28 We will participate with tens of thousands of Jews across America. All are invited to a pot-luck dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by our 7:15 PM Community-led Service. RSVP to Lori Weintraub.
Seder Workshop
Seder Workshop, Thursday, March 5, 7:00 PM Tired of the same old Seder? If you lead a Seder, this workshop is for you! Learn to be a Seder Boss. Bring your Haggadah and let’s share ideas. Bring your own dinner and we will swap ideas of leading your next Seder. Click here for more information. RSVP to Melissa Simon.