We are sure that many of you look forward to the President’s message to the congregation during the High Holidays, it gives all of us a window into the life of this community and how we can be a part of it. Somehow, our wonderful President Stacy Schlosser’s pre-recorded message did not get into any of the services. But do not despair, we have it for you, click here. Stacey also wants to give kavod, honor, to all those who have been taking an extraordinary role in the Success of Temple B’nai Or, please click here to view presentation.
It is Not Too Late to Be a Part of the 5781 High Holiday Appeal. You can help us provide more services and programs for those of our community in need. Your High Holiday Appeal donation further supports our Temple members. Thank you to those who have already donated! If you have not donated yet, click here to make your donation online or return the pledge card you should have received in the mail. If you did not get the card and would like one, please contact the office.
Gary Fisch’s message, co-chair for the High Holiday Appeal, got rave reviews. click here to watch it now. Todah Rabah!
Online Services
Below are links to keep you connected to Temple during this time.
Siddurim (prayer books) are available in the Temple office! If you would like to “borrow” a siddur (prayer book) for Shabbat services, please come to Temple and pick one up. Please call ahead to make sure we are here to accommodate you.
Friday Night Pre-Neg and Services in the Sukkah, Friday, October 2, 6:30 PM
To register, please click here
Friday Night Shabbat in the Sukkah, Friday, October 2, 7:00 PM
We hope you will join us on Zoom, but if you prefer to join on YouTube, click here Click here for online prayer book.
Friday Night Oneg, Friday, October 2, 8:15 PM will immediately follow services. Please register above to join us!
Bagels and Torah, Saturday, October 3, 9:00 AM
with Rabbi. Discuss the parashah (Torah portion) of the week. Most Shabbats 9–10am.
To join on Zoom, click here.
Hebrew with Cantor, Thursdays, 1:00 PM
Join our intimate group to study Hebrew at an accessible pace and to analyze concepts of the language. We warmly welcome new learners. New members study with current members to help accelerate their learning and to become part of our community. Thursdays. “I love love love learning Hebrew! Prayers are more expansive, poetic and theologically open in Hebrew than in English.”
To view on Zoom, click here.
Men’s Schmooze
Class is postponed until further notice but we are hoping to get together during Sukkot so be on the lookout!
God, Will You Come to My Sukkah? Masked, or Unmasked? Tuesday, October 6, 6:30 PM
Hedar’s Jewish Wisdom Fellowship invites us to a webinar where three rabbis from this cohort will offer personal responses to the question: Where, or how, are you finding God now? They will share supporting texts from their shared learning before splitting into breakout rooms to ponder the same question. To register, click here.